Friday, August 31, 2018

James Hopkins Will 1853

James Hopkins Will 1853

James left a Will in which he named 7 children:
  1. Ann Goodhand
  2. Edward Hopkins
  3. Samuel S Hopkins
  4. James Jr Hopkins
  5. William Sudler Hopkins
  6. Mary Ann Cockey
  7. Susan B Hopkins
He named 2 grandchildren from his deceased daughter Rebecca:
  1. Lawrence Quinn
  2. William Quinn
He named his oldest son Edward Hopkins, executor of the Will.

This information is from the Distribution Records:

James Hopkins Last Will and Testament: Queen Anns County Sch. Dr. Edward Hopkins Executor of the last will and Testament of James Hopkins late of Queen Anns County deceased. To Balance due on 2nd account of administrator Settled on $1898.70 From which deduct the appraised value of negroes belonging to Estate of deceased and not divided by deceased, divided among the Representatives by order of Court $205.00 Also the Cost of making this distributions recording of Same and copy to Executor. $5.80 And the probable cost of drafting recording of releases from the Several Legatees of $8.00 $218.80 Balance $1679.90 The foregoing balance distributed to the Several Legatees will give to each as follows: To Susan Hopkins, widow of deceased, with the household furniture That she may select which consists of the following: 2 tea kettles 25. 2 ovens stops 75. 2 iron pots do do pot hooks 12 frying pans 12. 2 pot racks 50 per fire dogs 12. 2 per langs 25. Lot wooden ware 50. Bread tray coffee mill 12. Lot ? and forks 1.00 2 sugar dishes 18 1 per and Irons 25. 1 per Sad Irons 25. 6 chairs 250 2 chests 35 Bed Bedstead & pillows. 1 bag mace $60.00 lot L? ware 50 do milk pans 37. 1 per sifters 25 1 coffee skillet 1.2.5 buscuits blocks of part of lot dishes 47. ½ doz dining plates 30. China do 25. ½ doz do do 25. ½ doz cup plates 12. Lot of Books 20. Coffee teapot 25. 3 pictures 37. Franklin stove and fender $3.50. 1 per looking glasses 10. Small tables 1 bureau $3.00 2 cotton quilts 2.25 Lot of old corn $30.00 amounting to $122.96 Also negro man Tim, negro girl Elizabeth $210.00 Amounting carried forward $332.96 (Estate $1679.90) To James Hopkins, Son of deceased, negro man Bazil Benny, who was free prior to the death of deceased of the Testator. To Susan B. Hopkins, Daughter of deceased, one negro girl Aramata $20.00 One negro boy Noah $250.00 One bed, bedstead and furniture $13.25. (total $283.25) To James S. Cockey, negro man William, the Legatee Mary Ann Cockey having died in the life time of the Testator and the said James S. Cockey being her surviving husband and father of her children: Amanda Elizabeth Cockey, James E. Cockey, Susannah, Francis Cockey and Mary V. Cockey to when he has been appointed Guardian. $250.00 To Saml. S. Hopkins, Son of deceased, one negro man au Juliett who died previous to the deceased of the Testator. One negro boy called John $250.00 To Lawrence Quinn, grandson of deceased, one hundred dollars 100.00 To William Quinn, grandson of deceased, the same 100.00 Balance 1363.69 (estate) The foregoing balance distributed according to will of deceased to the residing Legatees as follows: To Edward Hopkins, son of deceased, 1/7 part thereof 51.95 (363.69) To Ann Goodhand, daughter of deceased, the same 51.95 To William S. Hopkins, son of deceased, the same 51.95 To Amanda Cockey, daughter of Mary Ann Cockey and Grand daughter of deceased, one fourth of one seventh 12.98 To James Edward Cockey, son of Mary Ann Cockey and Grandson of deceased, the same 12.98 To Susan Cockey, daughter of Mary Ann Cockey and Grand daughter of deceased, the same 12.98 To Mary V. Cockey, daughter of Mary Ann Cockey and Grand daughter of deceased, the same 12.98 To William Quinn, Grandson of deceased, one half of one seventh 25.97 To Lawrence Quinn, Grandson of deceased, the same 25.97 To James Hopkins, son of deceased, the same 51.95 E.E. per Saml T. Harrison 363.69

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